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  • peerlesshandcraft


The best Mid Century Modern designs made for the way you live.   Custom projects get us fired up!

fresh fabric, vintage chairs
walnut hutch
nakashima table
shaped coffee table
MidCentury Live Edge Walnut Table
fresh fabric, vintage chairs
MidCentury Korty Table
George Nakashima Table
custom dining table
a quarter sawn Mid Century oak table

Wherever you do your work make your space inspired with the best designs from the '50s to the 70's.

MidCentury Douglas Fir korty table

Make your dwelling a real home with timeless furnishings that look fresh and never go out of style. 

birch cabinets in a redesigned Airstream !963 Globetrotter

Let's work together on that special project, historic finishes, paint colors and period details.

Whatever the era, period correct details like wood species and finish are at the root of our process.

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